The instructions in this FAQ apply to both the old and Digit user interfaces.

Not sure which interface you're using? Click here to work it out!

So you've exported successfully multiple times in the past so you know what to do, you've assigned the right accounting code to the receipt(s) but your receipts all get "export failed" (or get stuck on "Queued for Export") when you try to export them?

If you open up your receipt and get the below error message in the Notes... means that you need to re-link your integration.

The integration  between Squirrel Street and your accounting software (such as Xero, MYOB etc) has been revoked or disturbed.  This can happen because the person who set up the link initially between the accounting software and Squirrel has had their access revoked.

To fix this issue, all you have to do is to reset the integration by reauthenticating it in the Integrations Settings page.  

Here's how to find this page.

For the old Interface -

To reauthenticate your integration, simply login to Squirrel Street and goto to the Receipts page.  To the top of your receipts list, click on Export all > Accounting Exports>Manage Integrations

For the Digit Interface -

1) You should then see your integration listed, looking possibly like this.

2) If so, click on the "Reauthorise" button (it may be helpful for you to remind yourself of the export settings (such as "Bill/Purchases" or "Spend Money") that your account previously had before you do this, because you'll need to input the settings again as part of the process.)

3) Follow the prompts, including adding your credentials again.

4) After you've re-input your export settings in Squirrel Street, press Save.  Then try exporting again!

If this still doesn't work, please feel free to contact Support on 1300 001 333 (Aust) or, explaining where the process fails.