The instructions in this FAQ apply to both the old and Digit user interfaces.

Not sure which interface you're using? Click here to work it out!

To view the step-by-step video tutorials please scroll down towards the bottom of this FAQ.  (Please note from the title whether they are for the Digit user interface or not.)

We know that you like to do things your way. That's why we offer a variety of ways for you to submit your own scanned documents to Squirrel Street. Just make sure they are one of our accepted file types (such as .gif, .jpg, .pdf and .png).

Web Uploader

You can find the web uploader here (Digit interface) or here (old user interface), or in your account click on Submit to the top left (Digit interface) or on the black Add document button in the top right (old interface). Then simply drag and drop documents into the designated space on the page or select the documents you want to add to Squirrel Street. 

If you want your documents to be processed by Squirrel Street, make sure the indicators say that the documents are "Processing..."  If you don't see this message, then you either need to click on the button "Process Automatically" or (in the case of DIY accounts) you may need to enter the data for them yourself. (This is a great option for users on our DIY plan to submit documents.) You can submit an unlimited number of documents through the web uploader using this method.


Another convenient method of submitting receipts is through email. You can forward any receipts to  your submission email address.

This is convenient for any stores that you regularly make purchases from because you can have your settings automatically forward those receipts to Squirrel Street. 

To find/edit your personal Squirrel Street email address, click here (Digit interface) or visit Account settings (old user interface). Scroll to the bottom to change your Squirrel Street Email Address Pin for easy memorisation. 

Note: if you set up your scanner to email scanned documents automatically, we would recommend to set the email to your work or personal email address first, then you can forward to your Squirrel Street email. That way you can keep a record of documents that are emailed by your scanner.


 1  The first step is to open Squirrel Street and click Submit at the top

Step 1 image

 2  Click Select documents to upload or alternatively, drag and drop the file(s) to anywhere on this page.

Step 2 image

 3  Your file will appear in the page.  You can click on Awaiting Processing to see the progress of data entry.

Step 3 image

 4  As you can see, the document is awaiting data entry by our star operators!

Step 4 image

Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners



 1  The first step is to login to and click on the name of your account to the top right.

Step 1 image

 2  Click Settings

Step 2 image

 3  Click Account Name and Submission Email.

Step 3 image

 4  Your Submission Email Address is where you can forward your documents.  Perhaps save it to your Contacts list in your email?

Step 4 image

 5  If you want, you can change the email pin here to make the email address more memorable.  Be sure to click on Save Changes if you do!

Step 5 image

 6  Once you've emailed your Squirrel Street account, you can check your documents in Submit.

Step 6 image

 7  Here it is!  

Step 7 image

 8  You can click Awaiting Processing to view the queue and the documents if you wish.

Step 8 image

Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners