The instructions in this FAQ apply to both the old and Digit user interfaces.
Not sure which interface you're using? Click here to work it out!
If you find that Squirrel Street is no longer a good fit for your needs, you may cancel your subscription by following the instructions below.
For the Digit Interface
1. Log into your account and click on the name of your account to the top right hand corner (next to the image of a cog)
2. Goto Account Settings to the left and Subscription Settings below, then click on Cancel Subscription at the bottom and confirm.
For the old interface
1. Log into your account and view your receipts
2. Click on the name of your account on the top right hand corner (next to the image of a cog)
3. Then select Settings for the settings menu
4. Then click on "Change my plan" to the left
5. Click on "Pause Subscription" button under the DIY plan.
By canceling your account, you will no longer be able to send documents to us for processing. If you have envelopes pending processing at the time of cancellation, please email to ensure that your documents are returned.
Please note that canceling your paid plan is the same thing as downgrading to the DIY, forever free plan.
If you have subscribed from the Apple Store, follow the link to these instructions on how to cancel it.