This is how Squirrel Street's integration with MYOB works in a snapshot
N.B If you are using the v2 integration, you no longer have to import the chart of accounts, it will be done automatically on integration.
Connecting Squirrel Street and MYOB to get the information across starts at Step 4 above. Once you've got some documents entered into your Squirrel Street account, you're ready to create the integration with MYOB.
From the Client Accounts page, click on the pending receipts link
If there isn’t an existing integration you’ll see an error message and a “Link account” button just below it. Click this button.
Next, select MYOB Essentials from the drop down list
- Click on “Continue to link your account”.
On the next modal click on “Authenticate”.
You will now be redirected to the MYOB Essentials login page. Please login with your MYOB credentials.
Once logged in successfully, you will be redirected to the ProPartner portal, asking you to select the business account to export to. Please select the appropriate one then click on "Complete integration".
Finally, select which bank account in General Journal you would like your receipts exported into, or select 'Bill' to create a bill for each receipt.
*Note: Bills will have the original image as an attachment as well as a preview link. General journals will only have the preview link.
You'll need to choose whether to export automatically or manually. We recommend you select manual export until you're more familiar with the process. (You'll be able to change your settings later).
Hit Save & Finish. That’s it, your integration is done and you’re ready to export receipts!
To learn how to export from the Pending Receipts page, please view To export your receipts from the All Receipts page instead (where you can assign GL codes to multiple receipts at a time) please view this link