Set up your 1 Free Trial Client Account
Your one trial client account has already been set up for you – although you’ll need to make it your own. You can do this by following these 5 steps.
o Update the Account Name via the Propartner Portal:
That brings you to this page.
o Update the postal address for the account
Click on Client 1 and a drop down of client one details will appear. Whilst you’re on that page enter their address details too (that’s so we know where to send their Magic Envelopes).
You can also update their address details in the Settings > Mail-in processing section:
o Set the submission email address for the account
Let your client know their Squirrel Street email submission address. You can change the name and pin of your client's email submission address if you prefer. Press save.
o Communicate! Let your client know you're using Squirrel Street!
o Draft an email / letter or phone script
o Send them written advice explaining that you're using Squirrel Street in your practice
o Give them clear and simple instructions on how to submit documents to you regularly
o Follow up with a phone call to answer questions or confirm acknowledgement
o Let your client know they'll be receiving their Magic Envelopes in the mail
o Send out the first Magic Envelopes
o Go the account's Dashboard, and go to My Envelopes on the right. Then click on Request an envelope
o Send out the first batch of envelopes manually - once received, the next envelope will be automatically sent out
o Check back with your client in 5 days to make sure they've received their envelope
o Confirm with your client that their first Magic Envelope has been sent off to Squirrel Street.
You have more than 1 client to set? Click “Create new”
Below are guides stepping you through the process to help you get started:
- PROPARTNER GUIDE_ Implementation Checklist (Attached to download)
- CLIENT GUIDE_Getting Started
- PROPARTNER GUIDE_ View, Find and Verify your data
- PROPARTNER GUIDE_ Action your documents - Integrate with your Accounting Platform and Other Possible Exports overview (csv, pdf, evernote, dropbox...)
We will provide you with plenty of Support! Check out these options:
- Recorded Webinars demonstrating the product:
- Online Support:
- Our technical support team is here to help you, you can reach Support on 1300 001 333 and email